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Andra Birkerts Interior DesignAndra Birkerts Interior Design

You don't know how tempting it is to just pick up and move to the East Coast!! This coastal Rockport, Massachusetts summer home with interior design by Andra Birkerts is stuff my dreams are made of. The home feels like it has been around for a while, but it's actually newly built by S&H Construction…

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What to hang over a fireplaceWhat to hang over a fireplace

If you were going to hang something over a fireplace, what's the first shape you think of ?  I bet it's not a circle.  Most people would think rectangle, but I would like to suggest  going against that natural inclination and putting a shape there that plays against the straight lines of a fireplace…

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Poppy Tree Frames Giveaway!Poppy Tree Frames Giveaway!

Oh, Jane Coslick, you never fail to inspire me!! This beachy mudroom could be covered in wet towels, sand and flipflops and it would still be utterly delightful. I love all the colorful reclaimed wood! The aqua color here actually reminded me of this week's giveaway host...I'm such a fan of this com…

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Sneak peekSneak peek

It seems I've been in the middle of a bedroom update forever.  It takes so long when you are doing things yourself.  This is the before picture.  My husband loves black and I love geometric patterns.  Everything in this picture including the carpet and window seat are gone or going. The new look wil…

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Fun News + Giveaway Winner!Fun News + Giveaway Winner!

What a week! Some of you may remember that last October we put our house on the market. It was really slow-going over the holiday season, but this week we accepted an offer! Negotiations, inspections (and lets be honest, cleaning!) made for a busy week! I was expecting to wait a lot longer since we …

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Details- gray vintageDetails- gray vintage

PinterestSome images need to stand alone to enable us to thoroughly enjoy all the nuances they contain.  Because  too much text can wear out an image as well as a post I'm  planning  a series of posts titled Details that highlight things that please me visually.Gray is not everyone's cup of tea, but…

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Elizabeth Newman Interior DesignElizabeth Newman Interior Design

What is it about turquoise and orange?! Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina designer Elizabeth Newman sure knows...the two complementary colors provide a fresh contrast that our eyes just eat right up! I love this porch so much, even if I'm craving an iced tea big time right now! The bright throw pillows l…

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Allison Elebash Interior DesignAllison Elebash Interior Design

If these images take you away to somewhere warm and sunny, that's because the designer, Allison Elebash, is based out of St. Kitts in the West Indies! She's known for uncluttered, airy spaces with accents of fun color, all of which I'm loving in her portfolio! Isn't that first image particularly stu…

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Lucy Interior DesignLucy Interior Design

I love winter, I really do, but this fab sunroom is making me long for summer! Designed by Minneapolis-based Lucy Penfield of Lucy Interior Design and photographed by Andrea Rugg, the beautiful room is all about great texture, fun patterns, pretty color and loads of sunshine! Both comfortable and c…

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