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Cottage Coastal Store Giveaway!Cottage Coastal Store Giveaway!

sourceIt doesn't matter if you're living in some quaint seaside town (lucky!) or land-locked in the middle of the country like I am, I think it's safe to assume that if you like House of Turquoise you happen to be a big fan of coastal decor. Which is why I'm super excited about today's giveaway from…

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Holiday coloursHoliday colours

Are you a person who sees certain colour combinations which  immediately evoke holiday connections, e.g.,red and green, orange and black, yellow and purple?  I am, and as a result there are colour schemes I find difficult to live with because the cultural connections override the beauty of the combi…

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Mirror, mirrorMirror, mirror

I keep a list of ideas for possible post topics and near the top is an exploration of mirrors in home decor.  Well, that's one post I won't be writing because one of my favourite decorating sites, Your Decorating Hotline, has an excellent post on this topic.  It covers the gamut from why use mirrors…

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Denise Fogarty InteriorsDenise Fogarty Interiors

Fresh and unexpected, that's precisely why I love these rooms designed by Denise Fogarty and photographed by Alise O'Brien! It's really no wonder why Denise was named one of the seven of St. Louis' top designers. I know we're all fans of white kitchens these days (I'm downright obsessed), but aren't…

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Thursday Tip #6- simple centerpiecesThursday Tip #6- simple centerpieces

Keep it simple...Dinner parties can stress the budget.  I like to have simple arrangements for the table and that usually involves fresh flowers .  Rather than large bouquets which are tall and obstruct views, think about simple ways to use flowers or leaves in a repetition.Hosta leaves are one of m…

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It's all about scaleIt's all about scale

  In recent weeks I've spent quite a bit of time looking for coffee and end tables for clients.  Getting the style and size right to work with the rest of the furniture in the space takes quite a bit of juggling and an  understanding of standard  furniture sizes.The standard height of a coffee table…

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At Home: An ocean getawayAt Home: An ocean getaway

As a child I often imagined how a house would look on the inside as I drove or walked about the town where I lived.  I'm assuming I'm no different from most people.  My Open Doors  series of posts will fill the need to peek inside everyday homes- not the grand designs of decor magazines, but interes…

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Thursday Tip #5- Use geometryThursday Tip #5- Use geometry

HouzzMost  furniture  is predominantly rectangular.  When you're adding accents it's good to include circular shapes to play against the strong horizontal  and vertical lines. The basket, table, wooden goblet and  medallions work wonderfully with this sofa (which is not as squared off as most).  The…

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Seen through a windowSeen through a window

Travelling allows you to broaden your horizons in many ways.  You get to experience different cultures, climates, foods and transportation systems.  While many things stay the same from country to country,  there are also subtle differences in many of these areas.  One of my favourite things to do w…

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Paint it bluePaint it blue

While I was in the UK recently I was struck by the number of blue doors I saw.  Where I live  I have a difficult time convincing someone to go with a blue door, sometimes navy, but never a vibrant blue.  Blue was also  a constant accent colour I saw in France and Greece.  Is it a cultural or climate…

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